Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Change in higher education — we must quickly adapt to changing, unequal digital environment - Letlhokwa George Mpedi, Daily Maverick

The question for leadership in higher education is how do we harness these changes to propel us in a direction where we are positioned to provide access, maintain and accelerate knowledge production for the benefit of society, meaningfully contribute to the public and social good and keep abreast of the shifting terrain that poses challenges constantly? There are, of course, unique considerations in South Africa. We are 30 years into democracy this year, and South African higher education has shifted from an elite race-based system to one that can be termed as “massified”. Yet, the shadows and vestiges of apartheid persist as the buoyancy of the economy has faltered. What do the sages say about the future of higher education? On the radar currently and for the foreseeable future are the sweeping changes in technologies and the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies have arrived like a tsunami and can and must change traditional teaching, learning and research methods.

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