Saturday, June 15, 2024

Doing Stuff with AI: Opinionated Midyear Edition - Ethan Mollick, One Useful Thing

The core of serious work with generative AI is the Large Language Model, the technology enabled by the paper celebrated in the song above. I won’t spend a lot of time on LLMs and how they work, but there are now some excellent explanations out there. My favorites are the Jargon-Free Guide and this more technical (but remarkably clear) video, but the classic work by Wolfram is also good. You don’t need to know any of these details, since LLMs don’t require technical knowledge to use, but they can serve as useful background. To learn to do serious stuff with AI, choose a Large Language Model and just use it to do serious stuff - get advice, summarize meetings, generate ideas, write, produce reports, fill out forms, discuss strategy - whatever you do at work, ask the AI to help.

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