Friday, August 02, 2024

Manhattan Prep/Kaplan Survey: Most Future Business School Applicants Wary about Unrestricted Use of AI in Admissions Essays - Kaplan

 A new Manhattan Prep/Kaplan survey of more than 300 aspiring MBA students finds mixed attitudes toward GenAI and its use in the admissions process. Of those polled, 56 percent think they should be allowed to use AI tools to help them write their admissions essays, but only with certain guidelines and restrictions; 20 percent don’t think they should be allowed under any circumstances; 18 percent said use should be unrestricted; the remaining 7 percent were unsure.* A separate Manhattan Prep/Kaplan survey of business school admissions officers found that only a handful of business schools have policies in place directing students how they can use AI in their admissions essays, signaling the issue is still unsettled.

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