Monday, August 26, 2024

UC Berkeley to Offer Law Degree With AI Focus - Chase DiFeliciantonio, San Francisco Chronicle

UC Berkeley School of Law has become, possibly, the first law school to offer a degree focused on artificial intelligence literacy for lawyers, as the emerging technology begins to alter the legal profession and the practice of law. "We've always had a strong focus on law and technology, and if you think about what is top of mind for regulators and policy makers, it's AI," said Adam Sterling, the law school's assistant dean. He said the need for a degree focused in the area has increased, as more companies use AI and the technology becomes something attorneys must be familiar with. Roughly half of law schools already offer classes focusing on AI, with an even higher percentage offering clinics and other education about using AI tools, according to a recent American Bar Association survey. Berkeley's two-semester course is different in that it offers a standalone degree for attorneys.

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