Wednesday, November 27, 2024

AI vs. Labor Unions: The Future of Work in the Age of Automation - Curt del Principe, HubSpot

Unlike knitting machines, which have a fairly niche use, there are few industries that AI can’t touch. Its ability to analyze data or create customized content at scale in mere seconds makes these tools unlike any tech revolution that’s come before. Suddenly, AI appears in everything from accounting to zookeeping. In fact, around 80% of US workers could have at least 10% of their tasks impacted by LLMs, according to a study by the University of Pennsylvania and OpenAI. (And it’s worth pointing out that LLMs are just one type of AI in the new pantheon driving the AI boom. That 80% figure isn’t even counting tasks that can be done by audio, video, or imaging tools.) The question is no longer, “Will AI impact my job?” but “How will AI impact my job?”

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