Monday, February 10, 2025

Student-AI Relationships: The Rise of Artificial Intimacy - Kris Hendrikx, Diggit

Understanding Parasocial Relationships in the Digital Era In today’s digital age, where  influencers and celebrities are increasingly visible, and social media continuously offers access to their lives, the phenomenon of parasocial relationships is widespread. Parasocial relationships traditionally refer to one-sided connections where individuals feel a sense of intimacy or closeness with media figures through mediated communication (Bahmanmirza, 2022). With the rise of social media, interactivity – such as through comments – has somewhat increased. However, the rise of interactive AI like ChatGPT has created a situation whereusers can actually interact with the entity with which they experience a parasocial relationship. This means that the rise of artificial intelligence has added a new dynamic to parasocial relationships. 

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