Friday, May 17, 2024

Superhuman? What does it mean for AI to be better than a human? And how can we tell? - Ethan Mollick, One Useful Thing

No matter what happens next, today, as anyone who uses AI knows, we do not have an AI that does every task better than a human, or even most tasks. But that doesn’t mean that AI hasn’t achieved superhuman levels of performance in some surprisingly complex jobs, at least if we define superhuman as better than most humans, or even most experts. What makes these areas of superhuman performance interesting is that they are often for very “human” tasks that seem to require empathy and judgement. For example: If you debate with an AI, they are 87% more likely to persuade you to their assigned viewpoint than if you debate with an average human. GPT-4 helps people reappraise a difficult emotional situation better than 85% of humans, beating human advice-givers on the effectiveness, novelty, and empathy of their reappraisal.

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